Fast and stable internet everywhere
The Netherlands is a leader in broadband availability. But a good and affordable broadband connection is not available to everyone. Greenet's core principle is to provide a targeted solution where others cannot. If this is the case for you, and if there is sufficient interest for a better internet connection in your area, we will be happy to see if we can help you.
If you are an existing client, please check out the frequently asked questions at the bottom of the page or get in touch with us.
We can offer solutions in the following situations:
- Rural Area
Do several households or businesses in your area have a poor internet connection? Or do you and a number of your neighbours live just outside the area eligible for fibre? If so, we can explore options of setting up a network in your area so that you can still have a broadband connection. - Recreation park
- Construction site

This is how it works
If there is sufficient interest and the potential for a network installation, a final offer will be made. For this, we require a minimum number of interested parties where the exact number may vary due to specific circumstances in the region. If there are not enough applications for a standard subscription, we will be happy to work with you on a customised solution.
We have an active wireless network in the south of Limburg. Would you like to know what the possibilities are in other parts of The Netherlands or do you have other questions about connectivity?
Our offer
Consumer subscription | Business subscription |
Benefit now from carefree internet in your residential area with our consumer subscription: | Benefit now from carefree internet for your company with our business subscription: |
€ 47.50 per maand (incl. VAT) | € 49.95 per maand (excl. VAT) |
One-off connection fee: € 239.95 (incl. VAT) | One-off connection fee: € 199.95 (excl. VAT) You will receive a fixed IP address and VAT invoice. |
Download speed up to 50 Mb/s. | Download speed up to 50 Mb/s. Minimum download speed is 30 Mb/s. If your speed is structurally lower, you can cancel your subscription free of charge! |
Upload speed up to 15 Mb/s | Upload speed up to 15 Mb/s |
No data limit (check the Fair Use Policy) | No data limit (check the Fair Use Policy) |
Modem and receiving equipment free of charge (on loan) | Modem and receiving equipment free of charge (on loan) |
Including telephone (for an additional € 15 per month enjoy unlimited calls to fixed and mobile numbers in the Netherlands) | Including telephone (for an additional € 12.50 per month enjoy unlimited calls to fixed and mobile numbers in the Netherlands) |
Prices include VAT Prices do not include installation The agreement starts after the equipment has been installed and the internet service is delivered to you. The contract duration is 24 months. After this period, the agreement is tacitly renewed and can be terminated on a monthly basis. General terms and conditions Fair Use Policy | Prices exclude VAT. You will receive a monthly VAT invoice as a business subscriber. If your receiving equipment is damaged we will provide you with replacement equipment within 1 working day. Prices do not include installation The agreement starts after the equipment has been installed and the internet service is delivered to you. The contract duration is 24 months. After this period, the agreement is tacitly renewed and can be terminated on a monthly basis. |
Veelgestelde vragen
Is the radio link just as reliable as an ADSL or cable connection?
We build the network using state-of-the-art technology. This allows us to offer the same reliability, stability and security as wired services. In addition, we check and monitor the network 24/7 to ensure the continuity of the internet connection!
Will Greenet cancel my subscription for me?
Wij kunnen alleen jouw telefonieabonnement voor je opzeggen als je het huidige telefoonnummer behoudt. Jouw huidige internetabonnement (en overige diensten) kunnen wij niet voor je opzeggen. Dat moet je zelf doen bij je huidige aanbieder. Hou rekening met de opzegtermijn, zeker als je een zakelijk contract hebt.
Als je ook telefonie aanvraagt en je wilt je huidige nummer blijven gebruiken, vraag je dit eerst aan bij Greenet. Na bevestiging van de aanvraag, hoef je niets meer te doen als je alleen telefonie afneemt bij je huidige aanbieder. Wij regelen de overstap voor je. Neem je ook breedband of andere diensten af? Zeg dan na onze bevestiging van de aanvraag, jouw contract bij de huidige aanbieder op. Geef dan wel bij de opzegging aan dat je jouw huidige telefoonnummer wilt blijven gebruiken.
We can only cancel your telephone subscription for you if you keep your current phone number. We cannot cancel your current internet subscription (and other services) for you. You will have to do that yourself by contacting your current provider. Please take the notice period into account, especially if you have a business contract.
If you also apply for a telephone service and you want to continue using your current number, please send us a request first. After we confirm the application, you do not have to do anything if you only subscribe to the telephone service of your current provider. We will arrange the transfer for you. Do you also subscribe to broadband or other services? Then please only terminate your contract with your current provider after we confirm your application. When cancelling, please indicate that you want to continue using your current telephone number.
How do I improve my wifi range?
Greenet's router distributes a wifi network. In some cases you may not have a wifi signal everywhere. This could be partly due to the size of your home or office and the location of the router. Keep the following tips in mind:
Please keep a distance of at least 30 cm between your router and other electronic devices.
Make sure your router is not tucked away under the sofa or in a cupboard.
Make sure your Wi-Fi modem is located as high as possible with as few objects around as possible that can obstruct the signal. This way, please try to find the most optimal position. This could be the location you need your wifi network most for example.
Make sure your router is not close to the TV.
Make sure there are no other metal or electrical objects directly in front of or next to your wifi modem.
Use the 5GHz frequency instead of the 2.4 GHz frequency, this ensures less interference.
Het wifi signaal kan verstoord worden door andere apparaten in huis. Dit zijn met name apparaten die zelf ook draadloos werken en die je wifi signaal in de weg kunnen zitten. Bekende voorbeelden hiervan zijn:
The Wi-Fi signal can be disrupted by other devices in the house. These are usually also wireless devices and can interfere with your wifi signal. Common examples are:
Alarm sensors or wireless surveillance systems.
DECT telephones
Baby monitors
Weather stations
Wireless light switches
If you have any of these devices, they could interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. To check whether this is the case, switch off the device that may be causing interference.
With some subscriptions, Greenet provides one or more wifi transmitters to improve wifi network coverage